Common File Name Extension Full Forms List

By Dominic Chooper on March 23, 2022

A file name extension, also known as file suffix, refers to the suffix to the name of a file. It is that group of characters or even a single alphabet that comes at the name of the file name to complete it.

Let us read common file name extensions and their full forms.

Common File Name Extensions and Their Full Forms

File Name Extension Full Forms

The file extension tells the computer which particular application created the specific file and to use the same in order to open it as well as which specific icon to use for the file.

For example, if a file comes with an extension such as docx, it tells the computer to display the Word icon before the file name when you view it in the File Explorer.

Also, it tells the computer that only Microsoft Word will be able to open the file properly.

Most of the file name extensions are typically attuned to more than one program that you may have installed in your computer.

However, you can change the file name extension, but that will not change the format of the file. It will simply change the name of the file.

Here are some of the file name extensions and their full forms arranged chronologically for your better understanding.

Though every extension mentioned in the list may not be useful to all, it is good to know about them nevertheless.

File Extensions with A:

File Extensions with B:

File Extensions with C:

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File Extensions with D:

File Extensions with E:

File Extensions with F:

File Extensions with G:

File Extensions with H:

File Extensions with I:

File Extensions with J:

File Extensions with K:

File Extensions with L:

File Extensions with M:

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File Extensions with N:

File Extensions with O:

File Extensions with P:

File Extensions with Q:

File Extensions with R:

File Extensions with S:

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File Extensions with T:

File Extensions with U:

File Extensions with V:

File Extensions with W:

File Extensions with X:

File Extensions with Y:

File Extensions with Z:

So, that is all about the file name extensions and their full forms. Well, in spite of the length of the list, do not consider it to be exhaustive.

With continual development and use of different types of files, it is natural that the computer will need more unique extensions for all.

Therefore, do keep on doing your own research. This will surely help you to be updated with the latest developments in this particular aspect of computer technology.


After reading this article, hopefully, you will now be able to distinguish the file types when you see them and even know what is inside it even before opening.

It will also help you a lot when you want to manage the files in your computer more effectively.