Network Discovery Turned Off: How to Fix This Error?

By Dominic Chooper on June 18, 2023

Network discovery may be turned off due to several reasons. Simple solutions like restarting a computer and resetting the network may turn on the network discovery again.

However, if this does not help in solving the issue, read this article to know about the reasons for such an issue to occur and a few other proven solutions to it.


Why is Network Discovery Turned Off?

One of the most common reasons for the network discovery feature to be turned off in a PC is that there may be different services that may not be running because the Startup type may not be set to automatic.

Some other prominent reasons for this issue are:

Whatever the reason is, the fixes to this issue are quite simple.

Ways to Fix Network Discovery Turned Off

Fix Network Discovery Turned Off

To fix the issue of network discovery is turned off in your PC, you will need to set the startup type to automatic for DNS Client, SSDP Discovery, and Function Discovery Resource Publication service from the Services tab.

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Making changes in the Windows Defender Firewall settings may also be required to rectify this problem.

You may also try a few other simpler methods as follows:

Here are the steps to follow for each of the methods.

Method 1: From Services

One of the simplest ways to fix the issue of network discovery turned off in a PC is to make some adjustments to the Services.


Finding Function Discovery Resource Publication

Function Discovery Resource Publication Properties window

When the process is complete, click on the Apply button and then on the OK button.

DNS Client service

Double-clicking on DNS Client

Check that it is also set to automatic and is running, as it is shown above. If it is not set to automatic, repeat the above steps to change it.

Then, scroll down further on the Services page to find the SSDP Discovery service.

Finding SSDP Discovery service

Repeat the same steps to set the Startup type to automatic here as well.

Now restart your computer to check whether or not the issues have been resolved.

If the problem still persists, move on to the next method.

Method 2: Making Changes in Windows Defender Firewall

The settings in the Windows Defender Firewall may also cause this issue. In such a situation, the best way to resolve it is to make the necessary changes in its settings.

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Go to the Start menu and open Windows Defender Firewall by typing it in the search box and hitting Enter.

(Alternatively, you can go to the Control Panel from the Start menu > View by Large icons > Windows Defender Firewall.)

Look at the left panel of the Windows Defender Firewall window and click on the ‘Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall’ option.

Clicking on the ‘Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall’ option

Network Discovery is checked

Now, go back to the first image of this method and click on the Control Panel written in the bar > Select Category view > Click on Network and Internet > Click on Network and Sharing Center> Click on Change advanced sharing settings on the left panel.

Checking the small circle next to ‘Turn on file and printer sharing.’

(If you are using a public network, turn on all these features in there as well).

Now, restart your computer to check whether or not the issue has been resolved.

Method 3: Reset the Network

Sometimes, after making the above adjustments if the issue persists, a simple resetting of the network in your computer may do wonders.


Shut down and restart your computer. When the system restarts, go to Settings > Network & Internet > Network reset.

(Alternatively, you can type network reset in the search box and hit Enter.)

Click on the Reset now button and the Yes button on the confirmation window that pops up.

Clicking on the Reset now button

Close all apps that are open and then restart the computer again once the process is complete. Your problem will be resolved now.

Method 4: Using the Command Prompt

The Command Prompt is very helpful in resolving issues on a PC. You can use specific commands to resolve the issue of network discovery being turned off.

There are two commands to use. One to disable the feature and the other to enable it.


Open the Command Prompt by typing cmd in the search box next to the Start menu.

Now type in the following commands, one by one, pressing Enter each time and waiting for the process to complete between the two commands:

netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group= “Network Discovery” new enable=No

This command will disable network discovery.

netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group= “Network Discovery” new enable=Yes

This command will enable network discovery again and resolve the issue.

The Command Prompt would look like this:

netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group= “Network Discovery” new enable=Yes

Restart your computer to see whether it really has.


There can be quite a few reasons for the network discovery to be turned off in a PC as there are a few easy fixes to this issue. Now that you know about them you should not worry anymore when you see the error message.