How to Fix Wi-Fi Doesn't Have a Valid IP Configuration?

By Dominic Chooper on August 01, 2023

Like most users, you too use Wi-Fi technology for different purposes. However, just like others, you may also encounter an error message saying “Wi-Fi doesn’t have a valid IP configuration.”

In such a situation, you cannot use your Wi-Fi connection to access the internet. Your internet connection will be limited or entirely cut off unless you have an alternate Ethernet connection available.

However, this is not a critical issue, and you do not need to replace your entire system. There are some useful solutions to rectify the error. Continue reading this article to learn more.


Causes for Wi-Fi Doesn’t Have a Valid IP Configuration

The “Wi-Fi doesn’t have a valid IP configuration” error can occur when the IP address configuration of the router does not match the one reported by the Wi-Fi network adapter.

Additionally, if the network service is not running, it can also cause this error to occur.

In addition to that, there are also other reasons for this issue to occur.

Now that you know about the probable causes of the “Wi-Fi doesn’t have a valid IP configuration” error, take a look at the solutions to rectify it and get connected to the internet as fast as possible.

Ways to Fix Wi-Fi Doesn’t Have a Valid IP Configuration Error

Fix Wi-Fi Doesn't Have a Valid IP Configuration

Since the “Wi-Fi doesn’t have a valid IP configuration” error is related to IP configuration, resetting the IP Configuration on the network adapter is the most effective solution for it. You may also try resetting the TCP/IP settings.

There are also some simple solutions to try initially before moving on to the more advanced and relatively complex fixes. These are:

The simple fixes may resolve the issue temporarily but it may resurface again. Therefore, it is best to try the advanced solutions for a permanent fix to this particular error.

Here are the steps to follow while trying each of these solutions to fix “Wi-Fi doesn’t have a valid IP configuration” error.

Method 1: Change the SSID and Password of the Router

If the simple fixes like restarting your PC or router does not resolve the issue, you may try changing the name and password of your router.

You will need the gateway IP, login username and password to gain access to the settings for this method. All these are usually available on the label at the back of the router itself.


Typing the new SSID and password

When it is done, update the connection of your PC to the router by using the new SSID and password.

Also make sure that you update the network of other devices, if any, that are linked with the same connection.

Now check whether the issue has been resolved or not.

Method 2: Make Changes in the Network Service

Sometimes the network service may not be running and causing this issue because the software will not be able to identify and manage the changes in network on your system automatically. So, check it and make the necessary changes.


(You may hit the Windows key on your keyboard to open the search box as well).

Looking for WLAN AutoConfig Service

You may double-click on it to open the following WLAN AutoConfig Properties (Local Computer) window quickly.

WLAN AutoConfig Properties

You may also try disabling the DHCP Client service.

Selecting Stop from the drop-down option

Clicking on the Yes button in the confirmation window

Now, restart your PC. After the system restarts, check whether things are restored. If the network is still not working, try resolving the issue with the next solution.

Method 3: Perform a Clean Boot on Your System

Often, restarting your PC with a clean boot may resolve the issue. This will eliminate the chances of applications conflicting with each other or cause any interference in the operation by the third-party apps installed on your PC. So, disable all non-Microsoft services and applications.


Clicking on Open Task Manager

Selecting each app or program under Name

When you are done deleting all of them, close the Task Manager and go to the Services tab.

Clicking on the Apply button and then on the OK button

Now, with only the official Microsoft services running, you should be able to connect to the Wi-Fi network without any issues.

Later on, you should repeat the hiding, disabling, restarting, and checking steps for each third-party service one by one to find out which particular service is interfering with the operation of the network and disable it.

Method 4: Run the Network Troubleshooter

If the above solutions could not rectify the error, then there may be issues in the network that are not allowing it to function properly. Running the network troubleshooter will identify such issues and fix them to restore things back to normal again.


Alternatively, you can click on the Windows icon on the left side of the bottom of your screen to bring up the Start menu and click on the gear icon there above the Power option.

Finding Network troubleshooter

Network Adapter window

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Troubleshooting couldn’t identify the problem

Check whether or not the issue has been resolved. If it still persists, move on with the next method.

Method 5: Reset IP Configuration and TCP/IP Settings

Resetting the IP configuration and the TCP/IP settings completely may resolve issues with a network adapter. You will need to use the Command Prompt in this case to run a few commands.


In the Command Prompt, if you have a dynamic IP address, you will need to type in the following set of commands:

netsh winsock reset netsh int ip reset

After all the commands are successfully executed, type in exit to close the window.

Now, restart your PC and after it reboots, check if the “Wi-Fi doesn’t have a valid IP configuration” error has been resolved or not.

Hitting Enter to flush the DNS Resolver Cache

However, if you have a static IP address, you will have to type in the following commands and press the Enter key after each command line after it completes execution:

After all the commands are successfully executed, follow the same process as above to check whether the error has been resolved.

If it still exists, continue trying to fix it with the following solution.

Method 6: Disable Antivirus from the Task Manager

You may disable your antivirus applications temporarily because they often cause different issues by preventing other apps and services from running properly. Therefore, it may also cause the “Wi-Fi doesn’t have a valid IP configuration” error.

Note: Follow this method with awareness of the inherent risks of running a PC without antivirus protection. It is recommended to create a proper backup of your system to revert any potential damage.


K7 User Agent, as for example in this case

Now, restart your PC and try connecting to your Wi-Fi to find whether or not the issue has been resolved.

Method 7: Set Obtain the IP Address Automatically in Network Settings

You may try to resolve the issue by changing the width of the channel to automatic. This will allow obtaining the IP address automatically.


Selecting Change adapter options

Selecting Properties

Clicking on the Configure button

Clicking on the OK button to save the changes

Now check whether the issue has been resolved.

Method 8: Uninstall the Wireless Network Adapter Drivers from the Device Manager

Uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers of the network adapter may also resolve the issue most of the time.


Selecting Uninstall device

When you restart your PC, the system will automatically update the driver with the latest version.

Alternatively, you can select Properties or double-click on the network adapter you are using.

Clicking on the Update Driver button

How do you want to search for Drivers

Wait until the driver installation process is complete. When it is done installing, restart your PC and check whether or not you are able to connect to your Wi-Fi without issues.

Read Also:  Router Firmware Update Failed: How to Fix This Issue?

Method 9: Reset the Firewall Protection

More often than not, resetting the configuration of your firewall protection in your system may resolve this issue because it may prevent validation of the IP address.


Clicking on Check firewall status

Clicking on the Restore defaults option

If it is allowed, a new window will open. Read the warnings and click on the Restore defaults button. Click on the Yes button for confirmation.

This will reset the firewall configuration taking it back to its default settings.

After the firewall has been reset, try connecting to your Wi-Fi network again and check whether it is working properly.

Method 10: Setup IP Manually

Sometimes, the automatic settings of the IP may cause issues. Setting it up manually may help the network adapter to perform properly.


Selecting Internet Protocol Version 4

Internet Protocol Version 4

Now, check whether the Wi-Fi issue has been resolved.

Additionally, if the problem still persists, you may try resetting the Internet Protocol Version 4 by running a few specific commands in the Command Prompt as an administrator.

Open the Command Prompt as before and type in the commands one after the other, pressing Enter every time:

netsh winsock reset catalog netsh int ipv4 reset reset.log

When the process is complete, restart the system and check whether the issue has been resolved.

Method 11: Perform a Network Reset

Just like system reset, performing a network reset may also help in solving the issue with your Wi-Fi validation. This will recreate the profiles of your network by removing the existing ones.


Clicking on the Reset now button

Clicking on the Yes button

Now, when the reset is complete, reconnect to all the networks you used earlier using the correct authorization.

Finally, restart your PC, connect to your Wi-Fi and check whether or not the issue has been resolved.

Method 12: Make Changes in the Proxy Settings

You may also have the issue resolved by making changes in the Proxy settings of your network.


Manual proxy setup section is turned Off

Restart your PC and then check whether or not the issue has been resolved.

Method 13: Reset Wi-Fi Network Adapter from the Control Panel

You may also try resetting the wireless network adapter to solve the problem.


Selecting Disable from the drop-down options

Close the window and check whether the network is working properly.

Method 14: Reset the Router Back to its Factory Settings

If none of the above methods work, you can try fixing the issue by resetting the router to its factory settings, as your last resort.

Note: Resetting your router will remove all previous configurations from the device. This means you will have to reconfigure all those settings.


Locating the small Reset button

Wait till the resetting process is complete. Configure your network settings and connect to your Wi-Fi network to see whether or not the issue has been resolved.


As you can see there are lots of easy and not-so-easy solutions to fix the “Wi-Fi doesn’t have a valid IP configuration” error.

You may try any one or a few in combination depending on whether you want a temporary or a permanent fix.