3 Easy Ways to Change NAT Type

By Dominic Chooper on October 14, 2023

You can change your NAT (Network Address Translation) quite easily. This guide outlines three methods to change your NAT type, each applicable to different router configurations and scenarios.

The step-by-step tutorial will guide you through the processes.


Why Do You Need to Change NAT Type?

It may be required at times to change your NAT type to optimize your online experience with smoother and faster connections. It will allow you to play multiplayer games with your friends without restrictions making it more enjoyable.

Depending on your network and particular online activities, there are some other reasons to change your NAT type. These are:

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Now, explore the methods to change your NAT type.

How to Change NAT Type?

You can change your NAT type by turning the Universal Plug and Play protocol or UPnP on.

Other ways to change NAT type are:

Here are the steps to follow.

Method 1: Turn on UPnP on the Router

Turning on UPnP or Universal Plug and Play protocol may change the NAT type.

Note: The admin panel interface of your router may be a bit different from the router used in this demonstration. Refer to your router manual for precise instructions.


type ipconfig

You may also find it on the label at the back.

Log In to the admin panel of your router

Going to Home Network

Finding UPnP

Clicking Save

Method 2: Port Forwarding

Port forwarding is another way to change the NAT type.

Note: Here a TP-Link router is used.


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Clicking on the Add New button

Clicking on the Save button

The changes will be displayed in the following window, as shown in the figure below:

The changes are displayed

Method 3: Turn Network Discovery On

Turning network discovery on will enable the UPnP from the computer side and change the NAT type.


Selecting Network and Internet

Changing advanced sharing settings

Clicking on Turn on network discovery

If you see the User Account Control window pop up, click on the Yes button to have the administrator privileges to make the change.


In conclusion, it is crucial to know how exactly you can change your NAT type for improved network performance and online gaming experience.

It will give you more flexibility to adjust your network settings according to the specific scenario and needs.

However, follow these steps referring to your router’s manual.