How to Clean Your PC Windows Registry? (3 Methods)

By Puja Chatterjee on August 04, 2018

Invalid and unwanted entries should be cleared from the Windows Registry from time to time. However, a proper method should be followed for it so that it does not cause any problems in the future.

Unfortunately, most users are not aware of the methods to follow to clean the Windows Registry, and often refrain from performing such actions. If you are one of them, read this article.


Why Do You Need to Clean the Windows Registry?

There are lots of reasons to clean the Windows Registry on your PC. However, the most common reason for it is that perhaps it is the easiest and most effective way to mitigate issues related to any app or the system without needing any other specific fixes.

Typically, frequent registry cleaning, probably once every three days, is needed because it will help remove invalid references from the registry, such as:

In addition to that, it will also scan the registry and remove the keys that are not used anymore. Moreover, it will clear all malware remnants to potentially remove the dead weight.

It is also important because a clean Windows Registry may prevent a few specific things from happening on your PC as well, such as:

Ideally, not cleaning the Windows Registry will do more harm than good.

Ways to Clean the Windows Registry

How to Clean Your PC Windows Registry

You can clean the Windows Registry by using the Command Prompt or a specific built-in utility, such as Disc Cleanup.

However, cleaning it manually with the help of the Registry Editor is perhaps the best way, provided you know what you are doing.

Here are all the ways along with the steps to follow for each described for you.

Method 1: Using DISM Commands in the Command Prompt

You may use the Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) commands in the Command Prompt to clean the registry on a Windows PC, apart from scanning the system for any issues underlying.

Here are the simple steps to follow for it:

Run as administrator

This will open the Command Prompt. Now, type the following command and press Enter:

dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

It will take some time, but, as it executes, it will scan and eventually clean the system files and registry. Along with that, the process will also resolve any errors in them up to a certain level.

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Method 2: Using the Disk Cleanup Option

The inbuilt Disk Cleanup feature of Windows will also allow you to clean up the registry safely, though it is mainly used to clean the temporary files.

Windows and S keys

Disk Cleanup

Disk Cleanup: Drive Selection

(Usually, it is located in Drive C. However, if it is not there, and you know where exactly it is stored, you can browse the drives by pressing the small arrow key at the side of the box under Drives, as marked by the red box in the above image.)

Clean up system files

At this point, you may, however, be asked to provide the administrator credential if you are not logged in through the admin account.

When the process is complete, the system files will be cleared, and along with them, the registry will be cleaned up as well.

Method 3: Clean Manually with the Registry Editor

Though this process is best for those with some technical know-how, you can also follow it provided you know what you are doing and do not remove anything that is crucial for the functionality of the system.

This method should be followed to clear any specific entry or element from the registry in these exact steps. Also, make sure that you have a proper backup created before going ahead with the process.

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Assuming that you satisfy the two conditions mentioned above, the steps to follow to clear a specific software program from the registry manually are:


(Alternatively, you can go to the Search box as before and type registry editor in the box and hit Enter.)


Repeat the process for any other software processes that are creating issues with the normal functioning of your PC.


Since you now know that you can clean your Windows Registry in quite a few ways without having to rely on the third-party cleaning tools that you are so apprehensive about, choose any process described in this article.

It will ensure that your computer system performs more effectively and efficiently as always.