How to Configure Router Wireless Distribution System (WDS)?

By Puja Chatterjee on September 16, 2023

A Wireless Distribution System (WDS) allows for the expansion of a wireless network using several access points without needing a wire to link them together.

You can do this in your home or office. This article will guide you through the process.


Why Configure a Wireless Distribution System on a Router?

There are several reasons to configure a Wireless Distribution System on a router. One of the most significant reasons is to extend the coverage area of the wireless network.

It is also done for:

In short, it is a valuable and cost-effective solution for extending wireless coverage but limited to the specific needs and available options in the network setup.

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Ways to Configure Wireless Distribution System (WDS) on a Router

While configuring a wireless router for the first time, you have to connect it to the computer on a LAN port using a wire.

After the set up you can remove the wire and place it in another location within the range of the first router.

After connecting the secondary device, proceed with the following steps:

Note: Here, for demonstration purposes, the first or the main router will be termed as the root router, and the other router as an extended router.

Also, for demonstration, a TP-Link router is used. So, if your router is different, the interfaces and layout may be a bit different but the fundamental process will be almost the same. So, refer to your router’s documentation for tailored instructions and perform the steps with caution.

Method: Enable the Wireless Distribution System and Configure

Assuming that everything is already configured properly in the root router to allow WDS configuration, you can configure the Wireless Distribution System by enabling it first on the management page of the extended router.


Looking at the login details on the label at the back of the router

(You may also refer to the documentation of the router).

Log In to the management page

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(You can enter these values manually if you know them precisely. Or else, click on the Survey button, marked by a red arrow, to get the list of all the wireless networks that are available in the range).

Wireless setting

Clicking the Connect button

Once it is connected to your current wireless network, the SSID and BSSID fields will be automatically populated.

Configuring the Key Type and Password

Clicking on the OK button in the following warning window

Clicking on the Save button

Modifying the LAN IP address of the router

Additionally, you can assign a different wireless password for the newly configured router from the Wireless Security page.

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Open your web browser > Login to the admin page > Go to Wireless > Select Wireless Security under it and change the password on the right side of the window.

Selecting Wireless Security

This will save the hassle of connecting the two routers with a wire.

Now connect your PC to the extended router, which is on a bridged network.


Configuring a WDS on your router will enhance the coverage and functionality of your network greatly.

It is a cost-effective and versatile solution to improve network performance.

However, ensure compatibility, follow the manufacturer’s instructions, and be ready to invest time in setup and maintenance.