How to Setup a MU-MIMO Router?

By Dominic Chooper on September 17, 2023

It is crucial to set up a MU-MIMO (Multi-User, Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output) router to improve the performance of your network with more effective data transmission across multiple devices at the same time.

If you are unaware of the steps to follow, this guide will provide them to you for a straightforward setup process.


Why Do You Need to Setup a MU-MIMO Router?

You will need to set up a MU-MIMO router to enjoy effective and reliable connectivity and communication simultaneously across multiple devices.

Ideally, it is vital for the following reasons:

In short, it will offer a much better online experience for all users with improved performance and accommodate a number of devices without compromising the network speed or reliability.

Ways to Setup a MU-MIMO Router

Setting up a MU-MIMO router is pretty straightforward and is slightly different from setting up a regular router. You can do it all by accessing the router’s interface.

The steps to follow are:

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Here is the detailed step-by-step guide for making the changes in the MU-MIMO router interface to set it up.

Note: For demonstration purposes, a TP-Link MU-MIMO router is used. If you use a different model check the documentation for the setup process, which is usually the same, and follow the steps carefully. The layout and interface may be a bit different from what is shown in the demonstration.

Method: From the Web Management Page of the Router

You will need to access the web management page of the MU-MIMO router to set it up.


Connect the Ethernet cable

Connect one end of the power adapter

Press the Power button

Though not mandatory, it is good to start by resetting the router to its factory settings in the following way:

holdIng the Reset or WPS button

Release the Reset button until all the LED lights flash together

System to reboot to its factory default settings

By that time, check the label of the router at the back to note down the login details.

Check the label of the router at the back

Clicking on the Next button

Type in in the address field

This will open the web management page of the router.

Create an administrator password for your MU-MIMO Wi-Fi router in the following way:

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Clicking on Let’s Get Started

Clicking on Log In

Clicking on the Save button below

Alternatively, you can also enable it from the Advanced tab in the following way:

Enable TxBF, MU-MIMO

Going to the Quick Setup page

(For demonstration purposes, the PPPoE connection type is chosen here. Ask for the right connection type along with the necessary details from your Internet Service Provider. If you are unsure click on Auto Detect).

Clicking the Next Button to continue your setup

PPPoE Username and Password

Now, moving on to Wireless Settings.

Usually, the Smart Connect feature will be enabled in the following Wireless Settings section. This means that both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequencies of the router will share the same network name and password.

Network Name

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Checking the Summary

Reconnecting your wireless device to the new wireless network

End the router setup and configuration process

Your Network setup successfully completed, as the following window will confirm:

Network setup successfully

You can also configure your MU-MIMO router from the Basic tab. For example,

Clicking on the Internet option

Clicking on the Wireless option

However, the Basic tab will allow you to change a few additional things that a Quick Setup would not.

Guest Network option

Enabling Quality of Service from the QoS tab

Parental Controls tab

Clicking on the TP-Link Cloud option

Setting OneMesh by toggling


In conclusion, it is quite easy to set up a MU-MIMO router for improved network performance.

Simply follow the steps outlined in this guide to enjoy the benefits of faster, more efficient, reliable, and responsive Wi-Fi connectivity in your home or office.