4 Differences Between PixelSense and 4K

By Dominic Chooper on October 18, 2022

Users who are looking for enhanced visual, gaming, and computing pleasure may choose any one between a PixelSense and a 4K display.

However, making such a choice may not be very easy for those who do not know the difference between these two displays in particular.

This article is created for them to make them knowledgeable and also to help them in their selection process with some additional information that will help in deciding which display is more suitable for their computing needs.


The 4 Differences Between PixelSense and 4K Display

PixelSense vs 4K Display

1. Developers

The PixelSense displays are the creation of Microsoft while the 4K displays are actually the brainchild of Steve Jobs.

2. Year of release

The PixelSense displays were first introduced in 2008 but, on the other hand, the 4K displays were released in 2012.

3. Reference

PixelSense display refers to the touchscreen technology of Microsoft while, on the other hand, 4K refers to a display that comes with Ultra High Definition resolution which is actually a horizontal resolution of about 4000 pixels.

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4. Pixel Count

The resolution of the initial Microsoft PixelSense display is quite low at 1024 x 768 pixels while there are few models that may come with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels.

On the other hand, the 4K displays come with much higher pixel resolution than a standard Full High Definition or FHD display. The standard 4K Ultra High Definition comes with 3840 x 2160 pixel resolution while the DCI 4K Ultra HD displays come with 4096 x 2160 pixel resolution.

Which is Better – PixelSense or 4K?

Even if you compare the two display types 4K and PixelSense based on the differences in resolution and other features, it cannot be said that one is better than the other.

This is because everything depends on what you want to do with or watch on the display.

If you need to share the screen and files with other users, then a PixelSense display may be more suitable than a 4K display.

And, since the display itself works as a whole computer, things can be done more quickly, easily and conveniently.

However, if you need to work in any given area then a 4K screen will be a better option because the PixelSense screen may display washed out images in a brightly lit room.

Nevertheless, both these display types will offer a much better visual experience and pleasure as compared to any other standard displays. Now, the choice is yours.


Therefore, you can see after reading this article that the 4K and PixelSense displays are both good to invest in.

Now, which one will be your choice will mainly depend on your computing needs and your personal preference.