6 Differences Between PixelSense and OLED

By Dominic Chooper on October 18, 2022

Display technologies he progressed in leaps and bounds over the years. The latest PixelSense and OLED or Organic Light Emitting Diode are sophisticated display technologies that come with respective pros and cons, unique features and functionalities.

If you want to make a choice between the two you will first need to know the factors in which these two display types differ.


The 6 Differences Between PixelSense and OLED

PixelSense vs OLED

1. Developers

The developers of PixelSense are Microsoft. This is an advanced touchscreen technology announced on May 29, 2007.

In comparison, the founders of the OLED displays are Steven Van Slyke and Ching W. Tang.

2. Build

The blend of the sophisticated software and hardware that supports multi-touch gestures and the 360-degree application design of PixelSense allow users making the best use of the unique Natural User Interface.

The OLED displays, on the other hand, are made up of OLED pixels that do not need backlighting like Liquid Crystal Display or LCD displays. They also consist of extra and transparent substrate layers made up of glass, plastic or foil.

3. Reference

The PixelSense technology refers to the touchscreen display which itself acts as a full computer.

On the other hand, OLED displays refer simply to the monitor which needs other additional devices for computing.

4. Working Method

The PixelSense display technology does not use cameras to recognize touch or vision. It is the display sensor present in every photoreceptive pixel that registers the touches using a complex algorithm.

On the other hand, in the OLED displays the current flows between the anode and cathode to illuminate the emissive polyaniline layer made up of organic molecules that are paced in between them.

This electroluminescence happens due to the presence of the conductive layer of organic polyfluorene or other plastic molecules in between the anode and the emissive layer.

5. Advantages

The advantages of using a PixelSense screen include convenience and ease, faster navigations, and saving space and time. The input interface of this easy to maintain display can be modified by the users.

On the other hand, the benefits offered by the thinner and efficient OLED displays include more flexibility due to absence of backlights which also offers better blacks and contrast and offer high quality images with low power consumption making them suitable for battery driven applications.

6. Disadvantages

The downsides of the PixelSense display are its highly sensitive and delicate screen that can easily develop scratches and get damaged. The screens are also very costly and are less portable. You will not be able to use it in well-lit rooms due to the washing out of the images.

On the other hand, the most significant demerit of the OLED displays is their high cost. These displays also come with a significantly shorter life expectancy and have very poor sunlight readability.

Which is Better to Use – OLED or PixelSense?

Ideally, the final decision of the type of display you would choose between a PixelSense and an OLED will largely depend on your needs and preferences.

Still, the list of differences above should surely influence your choice and help you to make the right choice.

However, if you still find it a bit difficult and need some more information regarding these two specific types of displays, here are a few more important facts for you to know.

If you have to work in a group mainly where sharing the content is primarily important, a PixelSense display will be more useful.

This is because you can easily open and switch files without needing to use any keyboard or mouse.

Moreover, this touchscreen display acts like a tabletop which will add to your convenience in using and viewing files, as it will be for the others.

Such a display, which itself is a full computer, will save a lot of space as well as time when you work on it, whether it is on a project file or while playing a multiplayer game.

The useful features and functionalities of these screens along with the design make them the computers for the future.

Therefore, if you want to make your computer future proof, a PixelSense display will surely be more cost effective in spite of their high price tag.

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However, just keep it in mind that these displays are not meant to be portable or for use in bright areas since it will cause some inconvenience while viewing the images.

The OLED displays, on the other hand, have also made significant advances over the years which are now used in the computer industry as well.

With 4K resolutions, the visual experience is taken to the next level and offers better computing and gaming experiences.

An OLED display will be best suited for you if you play a lot of 4K games and watch a lot of such videos with HDR.

In short, if you are interested in best picture quality with true blacks currently available, then OLED is the tech you should go with.

Most importantly, the prices of these monitors have also started to drop, and will continue to do so, which is good news.

However, there are issues with these displays regarding burn-ins and brightness levels as well as in color volumes. So, keep those things in mind.


So, with the information regarding the two types of displays along with their differences you should find it very easy now to make a choice between a PixelSense and an OLED display, if you have to.