18 Pros and Cons of Desktop Computers

By Dominic Chooper on June 11, 2020

The ancestor of computer is desktop. Check out detailed explanations of pros and cons of desktop computers.

Even desktop computers are still in high demand. Laptop or AIO devices are basically a modified product of desktop.

But, still a desktop provides more stable performance than other types of computers and they are much cheaper than a laptop or an AIO. Here are some facts about desktop computer.


The 18 Pros and Cons of Desktop Computers:

Pros and Cons of Desktop Computers


1. Easy to Configure

Desktops can be easily configured according to the requirements of the users and the process of it is also easier than the other types of computers.

The users can configure every component or peripheral of any desktop that means he can choose the processor, storage, Ram capacity and other considerations according to his budget and need.

2. Pocket Friendly

Desktop computers are the most affordable computer available on the market. They are cheaper than a laptop, tower PC or AIO devices.

The individual price of the components of desktop is also cheaper than the rest.

By spending the same amount of money a buyer can get a better-configured desktop than a laptop or AIO or tower PC.

3. Upgradability

The most useful feature of a desktop is that they are easily upgradable. The users can increase the storage or Ram capacity separately of a desktop after a long time from purchasing.

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Even he can completely modify the device by changing the motherboard, processor, and other peripheral and can put a new wine in old bottle. One can easily get more options for upgradability in the desktop rather than a laptop or other computer devices.

4. Great Performance

On a same configuration, a desktop can provide more stable and powerful performance than the rest.

This is mainly because the peripherals of desktops are larger than laptop or other AIOs.

So they are more powerful although the name of it is same in a desktop or in other devices.

5. Easy to Repair

One of the most useful features of a desktop system is its easy repairing facility.

The repairing process of a desktop is so easy that a beginner can also do it with some basic knowledge or with the help of YouTube.

But for repairing other computers, one needs an expert.

6. High Specification Hardware

By investing an equal amount of money one can configure a more updated and more powerful desktop.

On the other hand, the same processor of a desktop is more powerful than a laptop or other PCs. The users can make the product as powerful as he wants by providing higher specified components in it.

The more updated component he will put in it, the more powerful performance he will get.

7. More Space Slot

A desktop provides more space or slots for Ram, hard disk or GPU. This feature helps the users to extend the primary configuration of any desktop.

8. Comforts and Design

One can design a desktop according to his choice. He can attach multiple displays with the system.

He can use a home theatre or sound bar for creating a proper audio environment.

Moreover, one can create a comfortable zone for using the desktop according to his choice but it is not the same for other types of computers.

9. More Life

A desktop computer can serve for a long time with some minor modification. But the lasting ability of the other types of computer is less than a desktop.

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That is mainly because the up-gradation process of desktop is easier than the rest.


10. Not Portable

One of the major disadvantages of a desktop is that one cannot use in a transport or cannot carry it from place to place.

It has to be fixed on a table and every time one wants to use it he has to take a seat in front of the table.

Unavailability of mobility is the major disadvantage of the desktop computers.

11. Noisy

Another disadvantage of a desktop is that they are noisier than the other types of computers. The reason behind it is the cooling fans.

Powerful configuration requires great cooling ability. For which one has to attach multiple cooling fans in a desktop.

Although, liquid cooling is also introduced in recent times but they are very costly.

12. Less Unity

Most of the desktop computer users prefer assembled system. So the desktop become a mixed product of various companies.

The perfect combination between the components lacks somehow in an assembled desktop.

But it doesn’t create a major issue to the users rather he gets a more updated PC than a single system of a single company.

13. Consumes More Space

A desktop computer consumes more space than an AIO or laptop. Desktop computer system contains separate monitor, cabinet, mouse, keyboard, UPS and other peripherals.

So, it needs more space to get operated. In a clumsy commercial place, it is better to avoid a desktop system.

14. Unavailability of Wireless Connection

Most of the desktops primarily don’t possess any wireless connectivity. There is other way to connect Wi-Fi and Bluetooth externally to a desktop.

Although some very exclusive desktops come with wireless connectivity and they are very costly.

On the other hand laptop computers come with inbuilt Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity.

15. Plenty of Power Supply Point

A desktop comes with separate peripherals and each of them requires separate power supply point.

For providing a stable power connection the user has to build or buy a good multi-socket power board with individual fuse or MCB.

On the other hand, a laptop or other types of computers needs less number of supply points.

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16. Consumes More Power

A desktop consumes more power than a laptop. A desktop comes with separate peripherals and each of them needs separate power supply.

So, a desktop computer system consumes more electricity than most of the other types of computers.

To tackle a certain power cut, the desktop should always be connected with a UPS to provide a flawless and stable performance for a long period.

17. External Peripheral

To operate a desktop external monitor, keyboard, mouse is needed. But in a laptop all peripherals are compressed in a single product.

The AIO devices don’t have the cabinet portion. It only needs an external keyboard and mouse.

But in a desktop, all of the peripherals are externally connected. So they consume more space. On the other hand, they can be separated very quickly.

18. More Heavy and Big

A desktop system is heavier than other types of computers. Having separate components, it is also bigger than others.

So it consumes more space than others. Being heavy, it is very difficult to move a desktop from one place to another.


“Laptop or desktop, which one is better?” It is the most tending question floats around various online platforms and a perfect answer of it, doesn’t exist.

This is because; the answer of the question completely depends upon the purpose of buying.

If anyone is searching for a computer, which he will use at home, then a desktop is the best choice because after 5 years he needs to change some specification of it only and it again will be considered as an updated PC.

But, it is not same with laptop. If he goes with a laptop, then he has to completely exchange it with a new one after 4 to 5 years later and it cost almost 10 times to the cost of modification of the desktop.

If he is searching for a computer which he will use in house and in office both, then laptop is the only and best option.