7 Signs to Change the SMPS

By Dominic Chooper on April 02, 2023

The power supply unit is a critical component of any computer, and if it fails or malfunctions, it can cause significant damage to the entire system. It is, therefore, crucial to be aware of the signs that indicate a need for replacement.

This article will explore the top signs for changing the SMPS or Switching Mode Power Supply, which includes swollen electric capacitors, exposure to hot and humid conditions, age, visual power fluctuations, problems with GPU-intensive programs, and PC noises.

By understanding these signs and taking proactive steps to replace a faulty SMPS, readers can minimize downtime, maintenance costs, and overall energy consumption while improving their computer’s sustainability and performance.


The 7 Signs to Change the SMPS

Reasons to Change the SMPS

Are you tired of frequent power outages, equipment damage, and inefficient energy consumption in your electronic devices?

If so, it might be time to consider switching up your SMPS (Switching Mode Power Supply).

In this blog post, we will explore the top reasons why you should make the switch to a more reliable and efficient SMPS.

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There are plenty of compelling reasons for making the change. So, let us dive in!

1. Swollen Electrolytic Capacitors

There is an easy sign that your power supply is going to reach the due date just by checking out the swollen capacitors which are the internal components.

If you can see the top of the capacitor when it starts to age it simply starts bulging. The capacitors will appear as a dome and it will protrude convexly on the top.

It will be wise if you can open and take a good look at these capacitors which can sometimes give you uncomfortable shocks as they hold lots of electrical charges.

2. Single Supply, Multiple Devices Cause Poor Performance

When you are attaching multiple devices to a single power supply then either you check the rate of the devices or the devices that you are using for connection.

If you do not upgrade the power supply on time then you can visibly see that there are some poor performances in the whole process.

Sometimes your USB cable will remain unrecognized.

3. Visual Power Fluctuations

Sometimes you can understand the issue visually with your naked eyes.

If you can see some flickering in your monitor as well on your PC then you can understand some internal issues are going on with the power supply.

You can check out some light shocks which is a tell-tale sign of an immediate change in power supply.

4. Problems Starting GPU-intensive Programs

There are so many GPU-intensive programs that can be a good indicator of the issues of power supply.

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If there is an issue with starting the programs then it can be a suspecting reason for the inadequate power supply process.

In that case, the task manager is being used to control the programs. That means there should be a problem influenced by wiring.

The graphics and other functions are malfunctioning. The computer performance is being degraded thus there will be a demand for power upgrading the power supply unit which is the SMPS.

5. The Fan Runs But Nothing Else

If you see that fan is working but not anything else then you should start thinking about the connectivity of the power supply.

It is creating a domino effect that can affect the whole PC’s performance. You can check out the wires whether they are connected perfectly or not.

Higher stress manifestation problems are being seen along with vibrations in the walls.

Followingly you can simply check out the power supply unit whether it is upgrading or not.

6. PC Noises

You can simply hear some unknown PC noises. If you hear peculiar noises which can be the reason leading to some internal issues that you need to check out.

If you see that there is an electromagnetic interference causing the light or power strips.

You can simply remove the power supply and see if this is persisting or not.

If the problem is resolved then quickly unplug the SMPS and change it.

7. Aging

Every component on Earth, be it living or non-living, has a shelf life of its own. The power supply has gotten old.

You can say that when the power supply exceeds the age of five years you can simply keep a replacement on hand as you can need it anytime.

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Questions & Answers:

What is the Average Life of an SMPS?

The average life of an SMPS, or switch-mode power supply, is about 5 to 10 years. However, several factors can shorten the lifespan of an SMPS, such as operating in a dusty or humid environment or being frequently switched on and off.

If you notice your SMPS starting to make strange noises or smell like it's burning, it's probably time to replace it.

Can SMPS Slow Down the PC?

To be honest a bad power supply can not slow down your PC directly but yes it affects the entire computer's performance.

A bad power supply can be extremely damaging as it stops work anytime and damages the other parts of the computer.

Can Faulty SMPS Damage the Motherboard?

Yes, a faulty SMPS simply damages the motherboard directly. If the SMPS does not get the right voltage or stops working during a fluctuation of voltages, then the overheat can simply fry or even let the motherboard explode or cause harm to other parts of the computer.


SMPS or the PSU is one of the crucial elements in the CPU. If you see that any of the above reasons are persisting then make sure you get a replacement without wasting any time.

Though it does not seem very likely to invest time on it but still to save the major hardware you need to be ready before the PSU is dead completely.

From reducing downtime and maintenance costs to improving overall performance and sustainability, you need a better SMPS.