11 Differences Between Windows 7 and 10

By Puja Chatterjee on July 30, 2020

Both Windows 7 and Windows 10 are Microsoft operating systems (OS). Windows 7 made its debut in October 2009, introducing new user interfaces and enhancements to Internet Explorer.

However, Microsoft later transitioned to a more secure, advanced, and versatile platform with Windows 10.

In this article, we will explore the distinctions between Windows 7 and Windows 10.


The 11 Differences Between Windows 7 and Windows 10

Differences Between Windows 7 and Windows 10

In between the advancements and updates. One can understand how Windows 7 and Windows 10 are so not different and yet have a lot of differences.

1. Updates:

In Windows 7 the updates are ended.

In Windows 10 the updates are semi-annual but have a lot of drawbacks. The drawbacks are that it forces the user to update. To make it more secure and up-to-date the Windows 10 forces updates.

Sometimes leading to broken graphics drivers that can crash while displaying. Even security patches that crash Windows Explorer and more.

2. Hardware Compatibility:

Windows 7 is renowned for its compatibility with older hardware, making it an appealing choice for those with aging systems.

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Conversely, hardware produced after 2019 is more likely to seamlessly support Windows 10, owing to its modern architecture.

3. Ongoing Development and Improvements:

Windows 10 has continually evolved since its inception, ushering in a new era of Windows operating systems. It remains a platform of ongoing enhancement.

On the contrary, Windows 7, while reliable, has matured into a more static operating system.

4. Security:

Windows 10 offers heightened security measures, boasting robust features like Windows Defender Antivirus and regular security updates.

In contrast, Windows 7’s support has officially ended for home users, leaving it more vulnerable.

Malware prevalence on Windows 10 is significantly lower than on Windows 7.

5. Search and Voice Assistant:

Windows 10 introduces “Cortana,” a voice assistant that streamlines tasks and internet searches, enhancing user efficiency. Windows 7 lacks such a feature.

Windows 7 relies on traditional search methods, which may be less time-efficient in today’s fast-paced world.

6. Browsers:

Windows 7 includes Internet Explorer. However, Windows 10 replaced it with Microsoft Edge as a modern alternative.

7. Start Menu:

Windows 10 retains a familiar list of recently used apps and files while introducing new functionalities that simplify user interactions compared to Windows 7’s basic start menu.

8. Action Center:

Windows 10 provides a more organized and accessible Action Center for managing notifications, contrasting with Windows 7’s notification behavior.

9. Applications:

Windows 7 may have limited convenient and free applications, whereas Windows 10 offers a broader range of options to cater to users’ diverse needs.

Businesses with specific legacy software requirements may find Windows 7 more accommodating.

10. Stability:

Windows 7 is known for its stability, with fewer bugs due to its maturity and age.

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Windows 10, being a more recent release, has encountered some stability issues, albeit it benefits from regular updates.

11. Compatibility:

While Windows 10 is generally compatible with modern software and hardware, Windows 7 may better suit certain legacy applications and hardware configurations.

Which is Better – Windows 7 or Windows 10?

Windows 7 is outdated now and there are some reasons why the user will be bound to use Windows 10.

It is because of the hardware Windows 7 is compatible with. It is compatible with old hardware.

And hardware made after 2019 will mostly be compatible with Windows 10.

Windows 10 has come with many improvements and it is still improving.

It is evolving the lifecycle of Window’s operating systems. It is very easy to conclude between Windows 7 and Windows 10.

New updates on Windows 10 is going on. For now, Windows 10 is improving and has left behind Windows 7.

It has a lot of bugs but it is one of the invasive versions of Windows, the company has ever rolled out or released.

In conclusion, Windows 10 is both best and is a troubling version one can ever find. But one needs to understand that Windows 10’s updates are still being released.

But one needs to let go of the favorite operating system, Windows 7.  All the viruses and malware computer faces, one needs to find pros in Windows 10.

Previously many chose Windows 7 over Windows 10 for gaming.

But now Windows 10 provides a lot of benefits. One chooses Windows 10 for gaming than Windows 10.

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It allows users to stream content from the Xbox One over to one’s Laptop or computer.

The technology helps render videos and audios in Windows 10.

With all of the differences, one can understand how to advance Windows 10 has become over the years and how Windows 7 is being outdated.

Now it is up to the user how and why one wants to choose Windows 10 or Windows 7.

These decisions are always left up to the user’s choices and convenience.


Now one can properly understand the difference between the two. It depends on the user’s choice of hardware and also their convenience.

Both have their pros and cons and choosing the one which adapts to the user’s choice is important.