What is AI (Artificial Intelligence) Accelerator?

An AI accelerator is a specialized processor designed to speed up machine learning calculations. It's a parallel computation machine optimized for handling AI workloads, such as neural networks, more efficiently than traditional processors.

AI Accelerator

Understanding AI Accelerators

AI accelerators are powerful, purpose-built hardware chips that can run artificial intelligence and machine learning applications swiftly and smoothly. Their primary objective is to evaluate data rapidly using specific algorithms while consuming minimal power.

These accelerators are designed to follow an algorithmic approach tailored to particular tasks, significantly improving problem-solving efficiency. The computation architecture and location of AI accelerators are key to their functionality and performance.

AI accelerators have become integral to modern computing systems, particularly in handling the massive number of linear algebraic calculations involved in machine learning and deep learning. These operations, which include matrix-to-matrix and matrix-to-vector operations, can be easily parallelized, making them ideal for AI accelerators.

The specialized design of AI accelerators offers several advantages:

AI accelerators typically feature novel designs with extreme power, focusing on:

An AI integrated circuit chip may contain billions of MOSFETs (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors), enabling it to handle complex applications and data-intensive tasks such as:

AI Accelerator Spaces

AI accelerators are primarily deployed in two spaces:

  1. Data Centers: Hyperscale data centers require extremely scalable computer architectures. Chip makers are developing large-scale solutions for this space, such as Cerebras' Wafer Scale Engine (WSE).

  2. Edge Devices: At the network's edge, where space is limited and energy efficiency is crucial, integrated AI accelerator IP in System on Chip (SoC) devices delivers near-instantaneous results. This is particularly useful for interactive programs on smartphones or in industrial robotics.

The Need for AI Accelerators

Traditional software design approaches often struggle to achieve substantial parallelism due to the limitations of Amdahl's Law. However, the emergence of big data and the ability to connect almost everything has led to a new "design by optimization" methodology.

This approach allows computer and data scientists to use neural networks and other parallelized computing systems to quickly ingest and train on massive amounts of data through iterative optimization. Standard Instruction Set Architectures (ISAs) are often ill-suited for this approach, creating a need for specialized AI accelerators.

AI accelerators have rapidly emerged to deliver improved processing power and energy efficiency, enabling the computation of large amounts of data at a low cost. This development has been driven by the growing prominence of AI and deep learning workloads over the past decade.

Architecture and Performance

The performance of AI accelerators varies depending on their architecture. To achieve optimal system-level performance, these accelerators require a compatible software stack. The architecture must also align with high-level software frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch to facilitate connectivity.

Measuring the performance of AI accelerators remains a debatable topic, particularly as intelligence moves to the edge in various applications. Edge applications offer diverse needs for optimization, including:

For example, autonomous navigation requires a latency limit of up to 20μs, while video and voice assistants need to understand keywords in less than 10μs and hand gestures in a couple hundred milliseconds.

Benefits of AI Accelerators

AI accelerators offer numerous advantages:

  1. Improved Speed: AI accelerators significantly reduce the time required to train and execute AI models.

  2. Specialized Task Execution: They can perform AI-based tasks that regular CPUs cannot handle efficiently.

  3. Energy Efficiency: AI accelerators can be 100 to 1000 times more energy-efficient than regular computing machines.

  4. Low Latency: The high computational speed results in significantly reduced latency, crucial for safety-critical environments like Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS).

  5. Scalability: AI accelerators make it easier to parallelize algorithms across numerous cores for faster and additional processing capability.

  6. Heterogeneous Approach: Systems can accommodate multiple specialized processors to support specific tasks, optimizing computational performance for AI applications.

Boards Using AI Accelerators

Several boards have been developed specifically for AI accelerators, driven by the integration of AI into edge IoT devices. Some notable examples include:

  1. Google's Coral Dev Board
  2. Silicon Labs' BG24 and MG24 wireless SoCs
  3. Maxim Integrated's MAX 78000 Development Board
  4. Xilinx's Kria KV260 Vision AI Starter Kit
  5. AlphaICs' Gluon AI Co-processor
  6. Intel's Neural Compute Stick 2

These boards offer various features and capabilities tailored to different AI applications and use cases.

How AI Accelerators Work

AI accelerators utilize advanced algorithms to drive human-machine feedback without human intervention. They evaluate multiple data points accurately by following strict AI models, resulting in higher computational speed, more accurate results, and better insights.

The specialized design of AI accelerators and their software optimizations can lead to performance improvements of up to 100 times faster than traditional processors. They leverage common processes used by AI models, further expedited by silicon-optimized hardware.

Types of Hardware AI Accelerators

Several types of hardware AI accelerators have emerged, each with its own strengths and applications:

  1. Graphics Processing Units (GPUs)
  2. Vision Processing Units (VPUs)
  3. Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs)
  4. Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs)
  5. Tensor Processing Units (TPUs)

Each type of accelerator offers unique advantages and is suited for different AI and machine learning tasks.


AI accelerators have become essential components in modern computing systems, offering significant improvements in speed, energy efficiency, and specialized task execution for AI and machine learning applications. As the demand for AI systems continues to grow, engineers are constantly developing new and improved accelerator designs to meet the evolving needs of the market.

By understanding the various types of AI accelerators and their benefits, users can make informed decisions when choosing the best-suited accelerator for their specific computing needs.