What is Base Address?

Base address is a fundamental concept in computer memory management, referring to the starting point of memory allocation. It serves as a reference point for other addresses within a program or memory segment.

Understanding Base Address

What is Base Address

A base address acts as the foundation for locating data and instructions in a computer's memory. It's essentially an absolute address that marks the beginning of a program or memory segment.

Think of a base address as a signpost that helps the computer navigate through its memory. When an offset is added to the base address, it allows the system to pinpoint specific instructions or data within the memory.

Base addresses play a crucial role in:

  1. Program execution
  2. Dynamic linking
  3. Memory relocation

The concept of base addresses dates back to early mainframe computers with limited memory. As technology evolved to support virtual memory and multitasking, base addresses became even more important for managing multiple programs simultaneously.

Calculating Base Address

For shared and executable object files, the base address is typically calculated using three key values:

  1. Lowest virtual address
  2. Memory load address
  3. Maximum page size

To calculate the base address of a PT_LOAD segment:

  1. Determine the memory address of the lowest p_vaddr value
  2. Round down this address to the nearest multiple of the maximum page size

Base Address Example

Consider a program with multiple instructions. The base address might represent the start of the program, while "base address plus five" would indicate the fifth instruction.

In hardware contexts, devices like external hard drives or printers may be assigned specific base addresses for communication purposes. For instance, a printer's base address might be used to initiate a communication test before sending print commands.

Base Address vs. Offset Address

Key differences include:


Base addresses are crucial in computer systems, providing a starting point for memory allocation and program execution. They enable efficient memory management, facilitate hardware communication, and support complex operations in modern computing environments.

Understanding base addresses is essential for anyone involved in programming or working with computer systems at a low level.