Integrated Motherboard

What is Integrated Motherboard?

An integrated motherboard refers to that piece of hardware that has all the necessary parts embedded on the board itself such as the video card, CPU and others. None of the components are installable.

Understanding Integrated Motherboard

Understanding Integrated Motherboard

The term motherboard is very common in the world of electronics. A very familiar term and the functions are also very familiar. It is known as the heart of the computer.

The motherboard is the PCB or the Printed Circuit Board of the computer. It is one of the most essential parts of the computer. It is also known as the backbone which holds all the important components or parts together.

Parts like the CPU or the Central Processing Unit, the RAM, the GPU, and many more.

The motherboard has a lot of alternative names like the “Mainboard”, “Mobo”, “Backplane board”, “Main circuit board”, “System board”, and many more.

Before the making of processors, the motherboard was a backplane. It was connected by many sockets with the parts of the components. It was made during the 1980s.

Now the motherboard has become more advanced and better. It is because of the betterment of technology. Now, the base of the motherboard consists of a sheet that is made up of non-conductive material.

With many sockets and slots, the motherboard has copper layers that are printed on the sheet. Which is also known as the “traces”.

The slots are for the connection with the components of the parts like the CPU, memory, SSD, HDD, GPU, and many more.

The motherboard is connected with another essential part of the computer called the Power Supply Unit of the PSU. The power supply unit or the PSU has to be compatible with the motherboard.

Also, motherboards are made to be compatible with specific types of components. Like the processor and the memory. Because memory is normal and universal.

The most commonly used form factor in the motherboard is the ATX or the Advanced Technology Extended. The motherboard comes in many types.

The first one is the AT or the Advanced Technology Motherboard, it is the first type made for big computers. Also, the demand for AT motherboards has dropped.

Because people use mini desktops or so. It has many connection difficulties with the power connector and new drives became difficult.

It was an old motherboard type, leading it to be replaced by it’s successor, ATX motherboard.

Came out after the popularity of the AT motherboard. ATX is the Advanced Technology Extended motherboard. It is a better type compared to the AT motherboard.

It allows the interchanging of the connected parts. They are mostly smaller in size compared to the AT motherboard which fits and properly in the computers, these days.

Then comes the LPX or the Low Profile Extended motherboard they were also short lived. It is because they couldn’t provide much power. Because the ports both input and output were placed at the back of the system board.

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It is because of the absence of the real AGP slot. It started being unwanted by many. Proposed by Intel the BTX or the Balanced Technology Extended motherboard was also a better option for the users for motherboards.

They are smaller in size and become quite low profile for better use for people who demand for a smaller motherboard. The design is quite standard. The imposing of strains on the motherboard is reduced.

Especially with the components that are dealing with regulation. Be it thermal or electrical. The airflow is less difficult and has a better cooling system. There is a smaller BTX motherboard called the “Pico”.

Supporting only very few expansion slots it can be interchange with the ATX12V unit because they have 12V connectors for 12 volt connectors.

Demand for motherboards a lot and the Mini ITX motherboard is also a part of the demand.

Small Form Factor is where the Mini it X is used in. It can also be used for an ATX and the other ATX variants, also. Motherboards can be integrated and non-integrated. Check out differences between ATX and micro ATX motherboard.

With the term integrated one can understand anything which is “joined” or “united”. Therefore, an integrated motherboard is a motherboard that consists of many components which are integrated or joint with the motherboard.

It is sometimes joined or is built-in. Mostly used in laptops and computers. The laptop comes in small size and demands for a motherboard to fit in the laptop case perfectly.

Therefore, an integrated motherboard is mainly used in laptop computers. The motherboard is integrated with the other components like the CPU, GPU, RAM, and many more.

It also comes with several PCI slots which are expanded. On the other hand, the desktop computers used a non-integrated motherboard. Because of the more space, it provided.

By the desktop computer to the motherboard and the other components. Motherboard and desktop computers are upgradable. But integrated motherboards cannot be customized or upgraded.

Motherboards are integrated to avoid the extra space taken by the components. Which are connected making them smaller and easier to manufacture. An integrated motherboard comes in a non-removable graphics card.

This means that the graphics card is integrated into the motherboard and therefore cannot be removed. Because it is integrated. A non-integrated motherboard has a removable graphics card.

The motherboard is an essential part of the computer without which the parts will not perform functions.

Therefore, the motherboards are available in the market. Integrated motherboards are a different work of technology.

Which is one of the best inventions. The integrated motherboard has served a lot of people and is one of the best motherboards available. But many users prefer a  non-integrated motherboard.

Because of the low performance provided by an integrated motherboard. One cannot come to a conclusion saying that an integrated motherboard is not a good choice.

Because an integrated motherboard has served a lot of people and is very reliable and efficient. Choosing between the motherboards depends on the user and the user’s preference.

Pros of Integrated Motherboard

The integrated motherboard comes with a few advantages. Which makes the user understand.

How an integrated motherboard is very essential and reliable.

1. Portability

The laptop computers are known for their portability. And how easy it is to be carried from one place to another. It is because of the laptop’s compact size.

To be lightweight and portable. An integrated motherboard is used in laptop computers because the laptop provides portability. And the motherboard used in the laptop needs to be smaller in size.

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For it to be portable. And to fit in the compact case. Therefore, an integrated motherboard is a very good option for portability in laptop computers.

Where all the components are joined to the motherboard without taking more space.

2. Power consumption

Unlike desktop computers, the integrated motherboard consumes less power because of the size it provides. And space is given to the components which are connected to the motherboard.

An integrated motherboard does not consume a lot of energy. It is because of the laptop’s low performance.

Laptop computers are made to consume less power. Because laptop computers do not always come with a better cooling system.

Like desktop computers. The integrated motherboards are made for less power consumption. Unlike the desktop computers which have a non-integrated motherboard.

3. Availability

Motherboards that are integrated are available in the market very easily. And another plus point is that the integrated motherboard is used in laptop computers while the laptop is being manufactured.

Therefore, the availability of a laptop is very common in the market. Leading to the availability of the integrated motherboard which becomes very common. Many high end laptops can be customized.

Therefore, the availability of the integrated motherboard is not difficult.

4. Price

Buying separate parts of the computer including the motherboard can cost a lot for the user.

But integrated motherboards, where all the parts are connected to the motherboard cost less than the former or the non-integrated motherboard.

The integrated motherboards are cheaper than the non-integrated motherboard. It is because of all the components that are provided by the manufacturer.

The integrated motherboard consists of all good components joined together. Leading it to be less in price and are also very reliable.

Cons of Integrated Motherboard

There are drawbacks to the integrated motherboard.

One should properly analyze the cons to decide whether to purchase an integrated motherboard.

5. Repair

The main problem with the integrated motherboard is that. It is tightly put together and if something breaks or if something stops working. Then one needs to repair it.

And the charge for repairing the integrated motherboard is more than the integrated motherboard price when purchased. One needs to fix the whole motherboard in order to repair the motherboard.

If even one component is damaged or breaks. Replacing the motherboard specially and integrated motherboard costs more than replacing a normal non- integrated motherboard.

For many users, they avoid purchasing an integrated motherboard because of these problems which they face if anything breaks or damages the motherboard. Because the repair costs more than the price while purchased.

6. Upgrading

The non-integrated motherboard can be upgraded anytime if the user wants to for better performance, speed, and many more reasons. But the integrated motherboard is very difficult to upgrade.

Because it is not possible. many high end motherboards can be upgraded in the laptops. But the price of the integrated motherboard used in high end computers is very high.

Therefore, buying or upgrading an integrated motherboard is not possible for normal users.

If one likes customizing and upgrading their computer then the integrated motherboard is not a choice for them.

The new components keep upgrading. The motherboard is very essential. Therefore, many users avoid purchasing or using an integrated motherboard, today.

Because it does not always go with the upgraded components and if one wants to upgrade an integrated motherboard. One needs to replace the whole computer.

For instance, if one needs to upgrade an integrated motherboard which is used in the laptop.

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Then the user has to upgrade or buy another laptop which is upgraded and has advanced components. Where an integrated motherboard is also present.

7. Performance

Many users are well notified that the performance provided by an integrated motherboard is less. Then the performance provided by a non-integrated motherboard.

The integrated motherboard is used in laptop computers where the performance is quite low. Compared to desktop computers because of low power consumption.

And also the not so better cooling system the laptop provides. Because of the portability and the compact size on laptops.

The integrated motherboard fails to provide better performance compared to the non-integrated motherboard.

If one is doing normal tasks on the laptop computer. Then the user will not find any difference in the performance of the laptop computer and the desktop computer.

But if a user is doing a high intensive task on the laptop computer. Then one can easily spot the difference in performance in the laptop which uses an integrated motherboard and desktop computer.

Which uses a non-integrated motherboard. The task done on the computer will surely show the difference. And how one should avoid buying an integrated motherboard for intensive and in-depth tasks.

8. Utility

Many gamers avoid buying an integrated motherboard and avoid using laptop computers for gaming. Because laptop computers which consist of the integrated motherboard have less performance and speed.

Not so better cooling systems and the graphics are also less than the ones used in desktop computers. It is because many desktop computers are upgradable and can be customized.

The motherboard can be changed and can be replaced if something gets damaged in the desktop computers. Which uses a non-integrated motherboard.

But many integrated motherboards which have all the components integrated and joined together. If one breaks then the repair is very difficult and expensive.

And upgrading an integrated motherboard is not always possible. The only component which can be upgraded in the laptop computer is the memory or the RAM.

Apart from that nothing can be upgraded in laptop computers. The integrated motherboard, therefore, cannot be upgraded. Gamers and users who do in-depth tasks which use a lot of pressure on the computer.

Prefer motherboards which can be upgraded with the change in time. And can be upgraded to an advanced motherboard if needed to match their work and preference.

Like for better gaming experience. Where the GPU is also integrated with the motherboard. Making upgrading not possible for gaming laptops which also use integrated motherboards.


After coming across both the drawbacks and the benefits of an integrated motherboard. One can understand how prominent a motherboard is to the computer.

And how one should always buy a motherboard or purchase a motherboard that fits the needs and task. The user is going to perform on the computer.

Therefore it depends on the user as to how the user wants to utilize the computer. And what kind of motherboard they want to purchase.

Also, motherboards that are integrated are mainly found in laptop computers. Making them a more advanced and lightweight, motherboard of this all time.