Windows 10 Professional

What is Windows 10 Professional?

Windows 10 Professional is a version of the Windows 10 operating system designed for business and professional users.

It includes all the features of Windows 10 Home, such as the Start Menu, Microsoft Edge web browser, and Cortana virtual assistant, as well as additional features for business and enterprise use, such as Windows Update for Business, which allows IT administrators to control updates and deployment across multiple devices, and Remote Desktop, which enables users to remotely access other computers on a network.

Understanding Windows 10 Professional Operating System

What is Windows 10 Professional

Windows 10 Pro operating system has more features as compared to Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and even Windows 10 Home.

It is good to use for the businesses and professionals who rely heavily on complex software, cloud computing and hardware and cloud visualization.

The features included in the operating system makes it much easier to manage your device or multiple devices in your workstations remotely and even from the cloud.

The Windows 10 Pro interface is designed to adapt through a useful feature Continuum included in it, however, it will depend entirely on the type of hardware being used in the system.

Whether it is for professional use or for gaming, this operating system will help everyone in a big way. The DirectX 12 API will enable social gaming as well.

The operating system will allow you to do more without you having to work more for it.

The system is strategically designed to support the way you work today, and is ready with the features that will help you in the way you work tomorrow.

The Windows Home features that are included in this latest version are:

In addition to these features, the Windows 10 Pro also comes with features such as:

All these features have individual usability that adds to the functionality of the operating system.

Just to explain a few, the Assigned Access 8.1 feature, for instance, will enable you to lock user accounts.

This will prevent these accounts from being accessed and accessing different apps.

The BitLocker feature of the operating system, on the other hand, will provide you with the most powerful and sophisticated tool for encrypting disks on Windows. In addition to that, it will also help you to encrypt the external USB drives.

The operating system will also ensure a seamless connectivity with a specific tool when you join specific online services such as Azure Active Directory. There is also a Business Store.

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The Client Hyper V feature is the virtualization solution built in this operating system that will provide a smooth connectivity to the Windows domain.

Most importantly, all these features and high functionality of the operating system will add an additional layer of protection for your sensitive data and an added security for your system.

The Pros

1. Unlimited RAM

When you install the Windows 10 Pro operating system you will by default get almost unlimited RAM capacity, much unlike the other 64-bit versions of Windows 10.

The operating system will allow you to install 2 TB system memory in your computer. When compared to the Home version, it is 128 GB.

Therefore, this OS is the clear winner and will allow you to perform complex tasks such as hardware virtualizations, hybrid computing in the cloud, 3D rendering, cloud virtualization, and more.

2. Remote Desktop

For any type of IT services including managed IT services, Remote Desktop is something that is hard to ignore.

Available on in this Pro version, this operating system, therefore, stands over and above its all other counterparts.

This feature will allow you to access different computers within the same local domain, thereby, helping you a lot in your IT admin job.

You will be saved from the physical hassles of visiting different workstations to manage them, and therefore, save your energy and time.

3. Client Hyper V Feature

This Hyper V feature available in the Pro version makes this operating system go that extra mile and more useful, in spite of the extra dollars you need to spend to get it.

This feature will help you a great deal in hybrid and hardware virtualization in the data centers.

This will ensure better and proper emulation of the available resources as well as in testing different software platforms.

4. Domain Join

Businesses will also get a lot of help using the Domain Join feature of this operating system.

This feature will allow you to join any local domain that has many crucial devices linked in a single network.

You will be able to control each workstation properly and at the granular level according to the user policy of your business.

It will prove to be useful in allocating jobs and assigning roles to each member of your team which will, in the process, increase the user productivity.

5. BitLocker Encryption

This is a convincing app of the operating system. It is actually an encryption software that can protect external drives and USB keys.

This ensures an additional layer of data protection and security disallowing unauthorized people to get access to such sensitive information.

All you require is using a strong password.

6. Getting updates

It is crucial for a business to stay updated with the latest developments and trends in the market.

The Updates for Business feature of this operating system is a useful one to know everything about the system support and security patches.

You will not lose your data anymore due to inferior firmware and bad updates.

7. Sandbox

The new Windows Sandbox feature will help you to test your system quickly.

The best part of this feature is that when you use it you will not even need a test license.

This feature will allow you to browse websites and test different apps, of course, in a controlled environment.

Therefore, this will add another layer to your system security.

8. Business capabilities

There are lots of features that are useful in this operating system that will provide you with more business possibilities.

For example, there is the Group Policy Management System that will enable you to have a granular control over your workstations.

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The Enterprise Mode Internet Explorer and Assigned Access are also very useful features of this operating system.

The Cons

9. Upgrade issues

There are several reports from the users facing issues while upgrading their system with this operating system.

Though the manufacturer has been able to fix most of the issues, there are still some remaining.

The issues include not being able to complete the upgrading process, hardware and software compatibility and activating the operating system.

10. Windows as a service

Microsoft is now offering Windows As A Service. This means that it will not release any major upgrades anymore.

It also means that the operating system is not a finished and complete product.

11. User interface

This new operating system comes with an upgraded user interface but still it is not a complete design.

The continual work in progress may be good for the new releases but the older ones may have bugs and other issues in it.

You will also miss on the new features and experience inconsistency in the context menus.

12. Automatic update

There is a dilemma regarding the automatic update feature included in this new operating system.

You will need to install each and every update that the company comes out with if you want to use this operating system to its fullest potential.

This can be a serious headache and frustrating as well, because you will have to go back to the previous good configuration every time.

13. The setting app

This app will help you to configure and change several facets of the operating system easily but the problem with it is that this feature itself is not a complete one and is yet to replace the Control Panel entirely.

This means you will need to jump onto the Control Panel to make changes in a few specific features of the operating system.

14. Missing features

This operating system comes with newer features but the older ones such as DVD playback and Media Center, are not included in it.

15. The built-in apps

You will also experience some issues with the built-in apps in the operating system. One of the most significant issues is that everything in this OS is included as an app.

Therefore, even if you do not like any of it, you cannot really uninstall it. Moreover, the Xbox app in this latest version seems to be pretty useless.

16. Limited usage of Cortana

Cortana is the most useful tool of this operating system but the sad part of it is that it is available in a few countries only, as of now.

These regions include China, Italy, France, Spain, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

17. Reboot and shutdown time

Devices that use this operating system typically take a long time to shut down and reboot, often minutes, and that can be very annoying when you are in a hurry.

18. Low storage device

The operating system is not much of a help for those devices that have limited storage.

These devices cannot use any external feature to free up the used space, at least for the time being, because the Settings app that allows using an external app is yet to be readied and made functional.

19. OneDrive sync

The integrated OneDrive in the operating system lacks in functionality of the selective syncing feature.

This means that you may find some issues to determine which particular files were available offline.

20. Microsoft Edge

You cannot use Microsoft Edge in place of Internet Explorer full yet. This new web browser is also not ready yet.

It has an incomplete user interface and lacks is providing support for touch gestures and commands.

21. Continuum

This seems to be not ready enough yet to use.

Therefore, those who use two-in-one devices may find it inconvenient to switch to touch experience from mouse and keyboard.

This will not retain the same level of performance and productivity.

22. Privacy

Finally, there are a few concerns with the privacy policy of this operating system that the manufacturer is yet to look into.

When you install this OS in your computer, you, by default, give your consent to Microsoft to collect information about your device, about you, the applications you use, the search queries you make, and even when you use a voice assistant, such as speech-to-text, for voice input.

Questions & Answers:

What does Windows 10 professional include?

This edition will come with all the features of the Windows 10 Home edition such as the revamped ‘Start’ menu, the digital voice assistant Cortana, TPM support, biometrics security and battery saver.

Apart from that you will get additional features like better privacy tools such as Domain Join, more sophisticated connectivity, BitLocker, Group Policy Management, remote desktop, EMIE or Enterprise Mode Internet Explorer, Direct access, Assigned Access 8.1, and Client Hyper-V.

Is Windows 10 pro a one time purchase?

Though Microsoft previously said that the Windows 10 Pro version will be available for free to upgrade only for a year and will be chargeable later on, there is a catch.

If you upgrade within the first year, you will get the Windows 10 version for free, permanently. This means that it will continue working and receive updates as usual even after a year.

Is Windows 10 professional free?

Yes, all Windows 10 editions, whether it is Home or Pro, as well as the enterprise versions will be available for free for most of the computers, but only for a year.

After that, the pro edition will cost you $199 and if you are upgrading your system from Home to the Pro edition, the pack will cost you $99.

Does Windows 10 pro include office?

Definitely not. You will either need to purchase the original one or use a crack version, depending on your budget and preference.

However, when you buy a new laptop, the retailer may include a trial version of Microsoft Office app that you can use for a short period, and that is all.  You will have to subscribe for it later on.

Does Windows 10 pro include word and excel?

Frankly and in short, no. Microsoft Windows 10 pro and Microsoft Office are two different products. Therefore, Windows 10 pro will not come with Word and Excel. You can either buy it separately or install one using the Office app.


Windows 10 Professional is an operating system designed for business and professional users that includes all the features of Windows 10 Home as well as additional features for enterprise use.

The operating system is good for businesses and professionals who rely heavily on complex software, cloud computing, and hardware visualization.

It offers features such as Remote Desktop, BitLocker encryption, Domain Join, Client Hyper V, and Assigned Access 8.1 that add to its functionality.

The operating system comes with advanced security features to protect sensitive data and information.