What is Write Error?

A write error occurs when data can no longer be written to a disk or storage device. This non-terminating error halts the current operation and is typically directed to the error stream, which is displayed alongside the output.

Understanding Write Error

Understanding Write Error

A write error happens when a computer's memory or hard disk drive cannot store new information. This is often caused by malfunctioning memory cells or damaged sectors on the storage device's surface, rendering certain areas unusable.

Characteristics and Features

Write errors have several key characteristics:

To declare a terminating error, use the Throw keyword instead.

Write Error Reports

Common GNU Compiler Collection write error reports include:

Write Error Command Examples

Write error commands can be used for various non-terminating error messages:

Note that write error doesn't change the $? automatic variable, so it won't indicate a terminating error condition.


Write errors can be categorized into various types, including:

Causes of Write Error

Write errors typically occur when a write operation fails on a storage medium. Common causes include:

How to Fix a Steam Disk Write Error

Several methods can resolve Steam disk write errors:

  1. Update drivers using third-party software
  2. Delete 0 KB and corrupted files
  3. Verify file integrity through Steam
  4. Run Steam's flushconfig command
  5. Set proper folder security permissions
  6. Remove disk write protection
  7. Temporarily disable antivirus and firewall

Write Error vs Throw

Key differences between Write Error and Throw:

Does Write Error Stop Execution?

Write errors can stop execution when -ErrorAction Stop is set on a cmdlet or advanced function. This converts write error statements into terminating errors, either stopping execution or allowing it to be handled by a catch block.


While write errors can be frustrating, they're not insurmountable. By understanding their causes and applying the appropriate fixes, you can quickly get your system back on track and resume normal operations.